Friday, July 6, 2007

New Indigo Kids on the Block

During the autumn of 1844, the Báb, forerunner of Bahá’u’lláh, made this startling pronouncement to his earliest followers, known as the Letters of the Living, in Shiraz, Persia, just before they all scattered around the Middle East and India:

"The secret of the Day that is to come is now concealed. It can neither be divulged nor estimated. The newly born babe of that Day excels the wisest and most venerable men of this time, and the lowliest and most unlearned of that period shall surpass in understanding the most erudite and accomplished divines of this age." The Dawn-Breakers, pg. 93

There are voices that claim this prophecy has come to pass. One of the manifestations of this phenomenon has come to be known as the “Indigo children.” The term was coined by American psychic and synesthete Nancy Ann Tappe, who classified people's personalities according to the hue of their auras. Self-help gurus Jan Tober her husband Lee Carroll, gained 15+ minutes of celebrity status with the 1999 publication of The Indigo Children – The New Kids Have Arrived. Perhaps because of the background of the authors, it never attracted the attention of science and research, or serious study of any kind, and was snapped up instead by New Age practitioners, who have made wildly exaggerated unsubstantiated claims, embellishing them with psychic and paranormal phenomena, such as the colours of their auras or even that angels have sent them to regenerate the human race. Some take this further, saying Indigo children have been around for 100 years, paving the way in the new Millenium for Crystal children, who will establish peace and love as the organizing forces of the planet.

Who are they, and do they live in my street or building? Is there one in my family? We are told that they not only seem full of intuitive knowledge, but self-aware, self-composed, self-confident, mature beyond their years, empathic and/or telepathic, do not submit blindly to authority, are creative, nonconforming, and iconoclastic. They also become withdrawn in anti-intellectual, anti-spiritual, anti-creative environments. According to Tappe,

“As small children, Indigos are easy to recognize by their unusually large, clear eyes. Extremely bright, precocious children with an amazing memory and a strong desire to live instinctively, these children of the next millennium are sensitive, gifted souls with an evolved consciousness who have come here to help change the vibrations of our lives and create one land, one globe and one species. They are our bridge to the future.”

Critics say that children have always been this way, and suddenly calling them “special” merely excuses snotty and rude behaviour – the whole phenomenon is a pseudoscience without foundation. Precocious children generally have a hard time socially, and more often that not, their apparent genius fades over time. These supposed indigo kids are troubled, and some of them may have disorders, everything from ADD to autism, that should be met not with praise, lenience, accommodation, and encouragement, but with therapy, discipline, and Ritalin, otherwise they will become sociopaths. Ascribing suprahuman characteristics to them is a result of watching too many science fiction movies.

Is there a new race of men, a new stage in the evolution of human consciousness? If so, are there special children who are growing up to be the first generation of the dawn of a new era? Do we squelch them at our peril, retarding the development of humanity’s entrance into a golden age? Or is this all a chimera, much ado about nothing, “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”? Isn’t this worth looking into? Without proper investigation, let’s neither let our imaginations go psychedelic with extravagant fancy nor dismiss it out of hand, throwing out the baby with the bath water. Let’s check it out.

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